April 7 - 9, 2022 | Tri-Cities, Washington
Preliminary Program
The program for Herbert M. Parker Symposium begins Thursday evening, April 7th, with the Spring 2022 Herbert M. Parker Lecture, followed by a series of topical plenary sessions on Friday, April 8th, and a conference banquet Friday evening. The morning of Saturday, April 9th, will be devoted primarily to a career fair with an opportunity for attendees to meet and interact with academic, research, and prospective employment organizations.
A technical tour of the Manhattan Project National Historical Park’s Hanford B-Reactor will be offered on Saturday afternoon. Additional, alternative technical tours which may be offered Saturday afternoon include the Hanford Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) and the IsoRay brachytherapy source production facility.
Students will also be offered the opportunity to provide poster presentations on their current academic or research work. A session on Friday afternoon will be devoted specifically to viewing and interacting with these poster presentations. In addition, the CCHPS will be offering several academic scholarships to students participating in the poster session.
Preliminary Speaker List
Keynote: Michael Stabin (NV5/HMIS) - Parker Lecturer
Keynote: Tony Brooks (PNNL, retired) - Medical Health Physics
Keynote: Bruce Napier (PNNL) - Scientific & Regulatory
Keynote: Marianne Sowa (NASA) - Applied Health Physics
Keynote: James Conca (UFA Ventures) - Friday Banquet Speaker
Calvin Manning (Framatome) - Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Michael Shymanski (Bechtel) - Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Jerry Kurtz (Hanford) - Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Kevin Doody (Hanford) - Nuclear Fuel Cycle
John Gough (Swedish Health Services) - Medical Health Physics
Michael Boyd (US EPA) - Scientific & Regulatory
Earl Fordham (WA DOH) - Scientific & Regulatory
Caitlin Condon (PNNL) - Scientific & Regulatory
Nancy Kirner (Kirner Consulting, Inc., retired) - Applied Health Physics
Linda Synoground (DOE/RAP) - Applied Health Physics
Invited: Steve Reese (OSU) - Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Invited: Wesley Boyd (DOE) - Scientific & Regulatory
Invited: Mike Ault (US Ecology) - Applied Health Physics
Sessions (April 8)
The scientific topics to be covered at the symposium include:
Parker Lecture
A technical lecture to honor Mr. Parker’s legacy of ethical and scientific standards and his concern for protection of people and the environment. The lecture is designed to enhance the public’s understanding of scientific and technological issues and their impacts on society - to better understand the benefits of “good science.”
Plenary Session 1. Nuclear fuel cycle
Fuel Fabrication
Research Reactor HP
Power Reactor HP
Small Modular Reactors
Nuclear D&D
Waste Management Technology
Plenary Session 2: Medical Health Physics
Keynote: Issues in Health Effects
Radiation Therapy (Medical Physics)
Medical Center Health Physics
Plenary Session 3: Scientific & Regulatory
Academic Programs
Keynote: UNSCEAR; Russian Health Studies
State Regulator (WA)
U.S. Department of Energy
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Plenary Session 4. Applied Health Physics
Keynote: Space Radiation
State of the HP Profession
Response to Nuclear and Radiological Terrorism
Technology for Nuc & Rad Terrorism Prevention
Low-Level Rad Waste
Handling a Source Breach